*We are able to accommodate men with mental health issues who can substantiate their stabilization on psychotropic medication by developing an action plan to address compliance with administration of those medications that are prescribed in cooperation with the prescribing physician. However, each resident must be able to present documentation that stabilization has been in place for a minimum of 3-6 months. Damascus, LLC is NOT a medical facility and does not provide medications. If such medical services are necessary, Damascus, LLC does not agree to provide those services, nor will Damascus, LLC be held responsible for providing such services. Acceptance into Damascus, LLC only provides the opportunity to participate in the programs offered. A person who has been accepted for admission can be terminated from the program at any time at the discretion of the Director or Executive Director due to non-compliance with the rules and regulations that are contractually agreed upon by each resident. This includes anyone who does not adhere to the necessary psychotropic medication administration schedules prescribed by the their physician. Such action planning begins with the telephone interview.