I owe my life to the Damascus long-term residential treatment program. The love, care, structure and treatment I have received here can only be described as a miracle. This institution has put my recovery first and allowed me to grow in sobriety daily. I hate to imagine where I would be without the program and I thank God every day for pointing me in the direction of Vern Howard and Damascus.
Brady T.
Damascus has given me a chance to live a sober life again; a free and spiritual life.
I came to Damascus a broken man on the verge of death. Through this program, I have been able to love myself and others, lose the obsession to drink/use, grow spiritually, work and live the AA principles, rebuild family relationships and mature as a responsible human being and citizen.
If it were not for Damascus, I would either be in a hospital, jail or dead. It is a fact that Damascus saved and guided many a man to a sober way of living a free life. I owe my life to Damascus and the Director, Vern.
Steve M.
I began my journey in recovery in 2003 with years of several intensive inpatient programs, therapy and twelve step recovery groups. I have experienced the joys of recovery and the pain of relapse. In August 2013...All roads led to Damascus. Damascus gave me the opportunity in a safe and supportive environment to learn how to live recovery. I completed the program in October 2014 to live recovery. However, my disease was not cured and when we are not honest, it will re-surface...May of 2017, the grace and mercy of the higher power in my life, God as I understand, and many good people, brought me back to Damascus. Damascus is a refuge, its a sense of home, it encompasses recovery. Damascus is hope and direction: for my love ones, myself, for others, for our lives. I'm grateful for the opportunity of my being here today, and hopeful for tomorrow.
Ronnie. S
Attending Damascus, LLC changed my life. I was able to embrace time, space, and opportunity to figure out who I really was, and address the root cause of my alcohol and drug problem. I have a new way of thinking and acting. I surrendered to the program. Damascus allowed me to live life, deal with urges and desires, build a solid support network, and be a productive citizen. I thank the director Vern Howard for all of this.....
Alister. H
I can truly say there is nothing easy about this program but if you do it and you do it right I promise you everything becomes 100% more clearer and amazing.
I was an addict for 14 years and coming to this program has saved my life, the staff and residents here truly care about your well being. The accountability you earn while being here are outstanding. I recommend this for anybody who truly wants to change their life.
I've learned how to become a responsible adult again and how to develop an admirable work ethic and set an example for others to follow all the while I've been able to rediscover my love for God.
Thank God for Damascus. It's by his grace I was lead here and this place not only saved my life, but showed me how to live again.
The Damascus program has shown me that I cannot do this alone. I suffer from a disease called addiction.
This program has truly saved my life. It has taught me how to become the man and father I want to be.
My life has been forever changed and I've come to learn to love myself and my life again through God, the wonderful kind staff, and most importantly through the crazy but loveable people I get the chance to live with here at Damascus. This program truly works as long you put something into it.
Come to Damascus and experience what all of these people have and how it changed their lives in many ways.